Interbad 2024

Messe Stuttgart Stuttgart | Germany

interbad, the international trade fair for swimming pools, saunas and spas, is the world’s most important platform in the sector for public swimming pools and one of the top 3 trade fairs for all interests of private swimming pool owners. Globally, it is the trade fair with the largest product range in the field of saunas. On an area of 35,000 square metres, more than 400 exhibitors present their products and services in the field of public bath construction, swimming pool technology, pools, saunas, spas and wellness. Around 15,000 visitors from more than 60 countries learn about the latest products, trends and pioneering ideas. Numerous presentations, workshops and discussion sessions in two congress formats round off the offering.

interbad 22.-24.10.2024 | Stuttgart – Suomalaisyritysten Sauna Lounge toteutetaan yhteistyössä Sauna From Finlandin kanssa.

Address Messe Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany

How can we help you?

Carita Harju

Tel. 040 566 2481

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